Violet Fused Aluminum Oxide

ELFK is a violet electrofused aluminum oxide obtained by the fusion of alumina, chromium oxide and titanium oxide in electric arc furnaces. ELFK is tougher than pink fused alumina and can be used in organic and vitrified grinding wheels. Produced according to ANSI or FEPA-F.

Chemical Analytics by XRF (%)
Al2O3 Cr2O3 TiO2 Fe2O3 Na2O
99,37 0,10 0,18 0,03 0,30
Elfusa Geral de Eletrofusão Ltda is an integrating company of the Curimbaba Group - www.grupocurimbaba.com.br

+55 (19) 3634 2300 | comercial@grupocurimbaba.com.br

Elfusa Geral de Eletrofusão Ltda is an integrating company of the Curimbaba Group - www.grupocurimbaba.com.br